2J Suit, Sept. 1, 1990, Tucson, Az. Horses 637Livestock DoosAKC Auctions 6781 Auctions 67? 649Tropicol Fish 652 Antiques-Collectibles 667 DoosAKC ana Registered I I 1 I PUPPIES, Terl-Poo 4 Cockapoo mix, 4.fem 7 wks, 2 block, 2 coco, uvea. 2V8-04VB, PUPPIES 4 DOGS Purebred 4 mixed breeds. At the Humane Society of Tucson adoption to a good home Is easy 4 Inexpensive.
A $45 fee Includes spayneuter, 1st shots 4 1st vet cneck, a sw value. WE OFFER an on site soav neuter clinic (881-0321, after 1:30) and' a low cost vocclno- Tion ci nic witn vi vmn Avrv Sat. Cal' 327-6088 for Info or visit n. Keivin Biva. PUREBRED Samoyed Husky.
2 teiituie. 4 rngntns gig. aa flee. $75. 748-8138 SIBERIAN Husky, male, show quality, years oia.
siw. loii vu-vmo eves. SNOODLES Schnauzer ioy roooie. i mate, i temaie, both block, 9 wks, 1st shots $50ea Call 1-602-65063 THINK before you adopt or buy! pet neeu5 mucn more man food, water and shelter If you are living on a snoestring you do not need a pet remember a pet Is a luxury, not a necessltyl For more inrormarion, call Animal assis-tonce, non profit, 326-0986 Cats 650 SIAMESE male, very mellow, snuts, neuterea 884-8350 2 FAMILY-ralsed Himalayan klt- rens, tree vet cneck, 24 nr guar, papers, sjw. V-8337 2 KITTENS, $25ea Ind all distemper shots, Leuk test, spoy-i Higiieuieimg.
TOOLS, OFF EQUIP, iniri-. CALL FOR BROCHURE $200 Cash Deposit All Sales Final Pymt CashCashier's Check. IT. MICHAEL KRAMER SON The Arizona Auctioneers ISSG 622-1926 258-698'! wi roinr kittens wpapers, R11- ptuuuie orcnaras. weeks old, SlOOea 629-0692 APPLES ACA reg.
Persian kitten, silver Green Deans' blocked BLONDE PERSIAN cot; gray Ya wotermelon and other melons, A-1 AUCTION 1309 E. BENSON HWY (corner of Ao) juvh WEDNESDAY 9:00 AJW. Mv first sale of the fall. I amu, tooded with lots of misc. bikes, and so forth outside.
Inside: lots of mist, some local estate. 3 color tvs, double' keyboard organ, antique stove, sewing machines, 2 dryers'" almond gas stove, several nice couches, chairs, loveseats, andi-iin hlde-a-beds, cherry corner cobWinua net, queen-size black lacquejt.uiv wi xii uiuyiini V.11HIU cuurv net, baby bed, dinette sets (5 4, J. 4e WIMIUCIH7U, Ut UUfJ v.i ivi C33C1 3, uui SlUUli, i. desks, rockers, a large collection Full of Clean Merchandise. Opet, Monday Tuesday for vlewlno.
LABOR Day fish sale. Buy 1 get i tree. nrs. n-s. rets Anoy, 2172 Grant Rd.
882-PETS Exotic Pets 653 IS Guinea Pigs, many colors, great apartment pets, also 1 cage, $5T00ea 88fr6388 4' Columbian Boa: "Julius Beautifully colored. SI23 OOO. toil Joav 529-1153 PIGGYS- Teeny Tiny Reg. pot-bellys, great house petsl 5 at $550; 1 at $3500. 744-3607.
REG. Mini Potbellied Pigs. The new 1 house petl (4) Black wwhlte morklngs. V-Ull VVIICOX. SNAKE or bird cage, 6'X3'X6' toll, redwood, 'A wire mesh, SI3V UOU V.UII 44-J34V.
SWEET Friendly, Neutered, Sable Ferret 4 Cage, $125, V.WI V-Utlllie DIAL 573-4343 STARCITIZEN CLASSIFIED Pet Supplies 654 MOVING LIQUIDATION SALE EVERYTHING MUST GOI BEST DEALS IN TOWNI Tropical Kingdom EAST 7806 E. Speedway 290-1002 Poultry, Eggs and Produce 656 JERNIGAN FARM lummer and winter squash, cniies ana peppers, raoie roma- Toes, onions, nmaSiANU muke. AND WEEKEND SNAfK RAP Open davllaht to dark dallv. Take 1-10 exit 340 at Wlllcox, go L-ri nines uti ri, rU. vvatcn tor sign.
K-swi vu. AZCO ORCHARD Fresh Apple u-rick appiesAorin containers. Take wlllmx Fx 340 00 17 miles N. and HA miles left and watch far signs. HUNSDON FARMS U-PICK PRODUCE: Tomatoes, Chill, peppers, cukes, squash, black eyed peas, green beans, eggplants, onions.
WE-PICK: can- Taioupes, Honeyaews, I peaches. Watermelons Buv get 1 FREE (limit 5) Frl thru- Mon. OPEN Labor Day. Take Wlllcox Exit 340 off 1-10 Go 13 ml on Ft Grant Rd. Open dally jun-up oun-un i-owjo4-4JO NO Spray, Apples, Pears, You pick, 30471b, weekends, Alr- port ko, wlllcox, JB4-J0I PEARS 6 varieties, apples pick, brlna own containers, i ners, mi cast ot aunizona Al, on hwy 181.
Kennedy Orchard Restaurants 662 PIZZA OVFN trl level, like new, waccess- orie5. 43u ubu. atM-bsm. TWO alta sham cooxer warmers, 6 mos old. K5uueacn.
Lan 296-5012. Antiques-Collectibles 667 ORIFNTAI QUCS WAMTCn Uf LAbn KL) rUK 111 li 1941 DIVING HELMET, MARK WAVY, ALfcLLtN I PIECE unusual bedroom set. bowed dressers with Inlav. like new mattress 4 box spring, wl. loll 3Z-3D66.
50's Phllco refrigeratorfreezer, uuuu cunu, works great, 299-1505 evesweekends. 6 PORCELAIN Figurines, Hopl nuum us. leuisterea tlon, $2200. 326-1038. ANTIQUE MINI-MALL, 3408 Grant, 10 pm Mon-Sat, 1-5 Sun.
326-6502 BELLEEK, Tiffany. Lallque, wunis, 3tattorosnire, rurni- ture. Skllton Antiques, 3855 Oracle, Wed-Sat, 10-4. 887-2140 Christine's Tnrlncltv $hnn Best selection of antiques In Arizona Buy, sell, appraise, trade. 4Y4U e.
apeeaway. jzj-wib EARLY 1900s mahogany slde- uuutu wmirrur, exim. cona. $700. Llahtfoot oalnt- ing witn tig, sjouu, 299-1644 ANTIQUES WANTED HIGHEST PRirFS PAID for period furniture, art glass, crystal, china sterling silver, Oriental rugs, European and mnciiiun puintltius.
GRAY GOOSE ANTIQUES 1-602-254-2544 (collect) KAY MALLEK has the antiques rou wunti josy t. want 126-1642. FREE DELIVER Yl LARGE Mahogany glass front! seireturyDOOkcase, cona. 325-7561 Frl. Sat, Sun.
Sired bv Two Sei. Ch. Gun ner ROM, petshowbreedlngl njmates, i long cool, saiu-i 33. terms. Avail 602-455-5675, Sonolta GERMAN Shepherd ouooles sired by German VA-Fedor von Armlnlus son.
Huge Impressive bone, not normally seen In America. Bred for courage and loyalty, excellent family or working dogs. Vise Mastercards accepted. GUTHRIE'S, 886-1010 GERMAN SHEPHERD mini 2m2f, 7 wks, Top Amerlconl oreeaing, parents ui-a Mat. GOLDEN l.AB, AS mole, A months, hrst set of shots.
$259 lv msg on mocnine 57-63a GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies, 7 wctjivs utu, muiea, ilrjcoj LOT: GREAT Dane, black, female. rjom, tijv, DiacK lod, I'avn okl femote. $75. 744-0266. GREAT Dane pups.
Will be x-l dogs. Heavy boned. AK parenrs. HariequfnbiK. 6 pupa 1" IWWOv.
LOT -B4 ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS 9moS-2( yrs, nn, 4f, small lOVODIi terms ovoll 883-9839 KERRY Blue Terrier, female, lovable, good wchlldren. $50. iqii evenings wuw I iftDAnnD DCTDICVCDC weeks old. aualltv hlnrk lltW. champion sire.
Parents hips eves cieor. will wioei LABRADOR, AKC block F. lvr. obedience trained, good com- panton, saw. zvn-B88 MALTESE 3lbs of love Tloy 1 2 white 4 fluffy delightful M's, ist snots, sjsj.
zz-zyyg. MASTIFF puppy born 514! AKC jLorgb nyot. protective. $500 MINIATURE Schnouzers (4), adorable. Only $200.
lH-458-4901 NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND, akcj iiiuie, lit snots, ooo MMioy evesagzujj gays. NORWEGIAN ElkhOundS, (4) AKC approvea wi papers. 5 TO, Call 602-648-0269 PET ARK KENNEL has ready tor loving name: lann ler-rlers, Pomeranians, Bull Terriers, Bull Dogs, and Lakeland mixes, ion tor into oy-yvei POODLE STANDARD, whltel female, 2 months old, odorable pnnni mini lOwks, shots, excellent coat contormation. szw. 62B-94U2 POODLES (2) AKC 8 wks, mln- lature, male female, $13S CUUUO.
SOJ-PJJJ POODLES Toy, 7 4 F. uruwn or wnire. 1st snots, gugr IJVSJW. BBB-48 1 1. POODLES: Toy.
Redaprlcot, shots, lOwks old. 3 males. siaoea loii ZV-UU5 POODLES: reductions. 2M, $100 eoch. 3 new litters, $200 eoch.
nnargna, l-wz-wz-3y45. QUEENSLAND Blue Heelers, 5F, weeks. Reg. Call 623- 2M, 6 weeks. S125F, $100M.
U-W06. ROTTWEILERS AKC, champion area, mo An, nouseoroken. Great wklds-dnimals. 20 mo male, great obedience prospect. Parents on Hips guar.
1-602-378-9354. i nunaer Mm KOTtweiiers. ROTTWEILER AKC Puppies, heads, defined markings i50o! Must seel 327-8056 evewknds intukc let cknt, 1AA 1C hl ROTTWEILER 2 litters, (10), born 74. 4 715. larae boned.
1st shots, free veterinarian! nearm exam, sw-swx). Call 887-3887. ROTTWEILER Female, 3'j yrsl aog, i pet tamny sow, v-uii ivionaay gga-eajj ROTTWEILER AKC. F. ft mn housetrained.
Exlnt German peaigree, sew. 2VI5-B288 ROTTWEILER AKC male, 4yrs, proven stu4 obedience titled. Protection training, OFA, ROTTWEILER Female, 4 mos, ueimun diooo iine, parenTS on premises, 4uu 883-2236 SCHNAUZER litter of 6, only 1 mure icii, xmt quality, nouse broken, $175, Coil 883-7657 mini 1 ml. ll shots, good coats 4 temper- miigins. siwea V.OII 00-V4U SCHNAUZERS MINI, AKC Black $150.
Coll 602-459-151 SCHNAUZERS Mini: TOP-SHELF, yreut temperament. iyiusi see, uniy sjsu. 0B-J3 SHAR PEl 11 mo old choc, wpuper5, neeas gooa loving home, very friendly, $1200 OBO. Call 544-0937. SHAR-PEI puppies, 6 wks old, tft)r 'Zu females, MWBuyiB 3,4" 134V SHELTIE AKC male, 6 suoie, parents on premises, lull 41-UQUZ.
SHELTIE trl-color female, 7 weeks, SI5. 1-602-825-9565 Carolina SHIH-TZU black 4 white, wkenne io na over nen. font take. Loves kids 4 affec- tion swooo. 4B-y2y3 TOY Poodles, 7 trom $100 to $125.
i bred at $200. Call OOB-1V UP TO 50 OFF! TEACUP CHIHUAHUA PEEKAPOO POMERANIAN PFT TRA7P 709-1 t4fl 915 PRINCEFAIR VIEW UPIMADAMCDC li U.L. Ml nuvc isi snuts. SI3-SZ3 COtl oner apm or wxenas 2V2-0436 WOLF Hybrid pups, WWKC 4 males $J0O. Coll 885-8114 I DO BULL ONE PIT FOR INFO CALL STAN KUNDERT AUCTIONEER 'T, LIMITED Sun, Sept 9th, 10am.
HouseUv hold Items, stock car, Iewelry-collectibles, furniture, stove 4 morel Upcoming tlons Oct 14, large European" antique 4 collectibles. Auction Oct 21, fine antique Indian orts ouctlon. 4 509 Cottonwood Lane, Casa" NOTICE Is hereby given that on 8100 E. 22nd Tucson, AZ, Security First Serf Storage will, sell at public auction personal property stored In unit 246, fjf, 520, 544, 601, 664, 70i and 761. Coll 296-3001.
Cash Clothing For Sale 630 ihtPSKIN 44aT, Sire plush rur 4, Tan suede, km umath. Photo Equipment 631 BUYSELLTRADE NAgT Photo Service 3954 E. Speedway 326-9606 KOOAKPLUS Him, 400' rolls, 130 ea 8B4-75BIJ days or 795-7691 oft 4, osK tor fjorv. MINultA SLR System. 1 bodiS! motor drive, 16 to 608 mm, 7 "It mm, 1.8 cose, 28-80 zoom, xlnt 33U.
COM "ertrft0 1)0iv' 28 75-150mm lens. Auto winder, auto strob, leather case, used twice. Paid over $1700- sell $450, 722-6274. Stamp-Coin-Hobby 632 BUYING old piostlc model coilec- wwi. v.urs, rigures, sci-ri.
BUY. COIN COLLECTIONS, gold 4 old sliver coins, tokens, medals, currency. Bid board coin auction. Sot, 2:30. Glass SggfeaW: 4355 Bazaars-Arts-Crafrs 633 ELE915.ONIf Knitting machine wrtober extras.
$1000. Coil jjj-jvt oner 3pm Jewelry-Watches 636 14KT Diamond Sapphire ladles ring. 28 diamonds Sapphire 1CT. Appraised win swjince suu. 2-oy6 WHllfe6yal Antlaue Dla BEAUTIFUL anniversary rli ooguers, 36 rd diamonds.
$6J00 obo 749-0690 INDIAN JEWELRY Wholesale prices. Sterling silver earrings, concrto belts, uiut-Cieis, sr ueorge JZ-300 LADIES diamond earrings, ait, 0.54 ea, color l-J, S1950. Sell of less. $94-6736 LADIES PRFSIDFNT poi cv 18K GOLD. $275OBO.
CALL' AFTER 6PM 290-1135 LADIES' Van Cleef Arpels; gold, green lizard skin bond, iui NOW. twnru MENS Diamond Rlna. beoutiful 14K aold w18 diamonds, "VIJmiww ui SITW. suo. UBI or lv msg, 722-1338 ROLEX-Pavlna $900 for anv Siih.
mariner wdote; $800 for ony GMT, miode after 1981); pay-ng $10 for men's PatekTl- Hope Wrist Watches. Private Mm iy laying S. a-JQ63. SILVER Jewelry from Italy Mex. Unloue pieces, all below wm.
ow t. spawy J26-2550. WANTED diamonds, gold, silver. -uii. mcui is, uiu wutcnes, I dry.
Jay Jewelers 297-352 Horses 637 11 YR old registered Appaloosa mare, 01 OBO. Ca great trail horse, $600; all 296-0297 13 MONTH old fiirlv Bnthki, and 2 year old trl-color paint. -w ton ue registerea. 16YR Old Arobion Quarter horse mwe, 10 nanas, exinr oymk-hana- daughter lost Interest. My loss- Your galnl $650.
w-4uc evenings. 2 BIG Loud colored Paints geld, 6 81 9yr old 1 Syr old Suoor' bar oeldlna, 23vr old Racebred Mores, 4 Big 4-7yrs QH type trail geld- niu; oay, snow qua. Arabian mare; Gentle llyr mare; Flashy show colt; Arab Filly, Dun colt- $350ea vvebtern soaaie, IV3.44-3884. 4 tear Old registered Paint, breeding stock, well-trained $600. Coll 749-2441.
6 YEAR old registered Pinto more, gentle, trail or hunter prospect. WW OOO. 53-B0I3 i YR OLD Registered guarter iiviav uciuiiiv, xitit trail norse, dock bar blood lines $1500OBO. 2 Yr old miniature Syr old arev Arnh mnrm 14 1h $800. Jyr old bay Arab filly 14.
lh $575. 296-7508. Action' production sale Bred tb run 4or work year- niu, yr oias srarteg under. oddle. Athletic, ottroc-tlve, clean 4 AAA bred.
Lovely, large pony hunter, well storteg over fences. 3 big, elegant pre-green prospects, 17 hond warm blood gelding, 1st level dressoge. Call for Infor. Horses shown by appointment BONANZA WEST FARMS 746-0431 or 795-4050 APHA Black 4 White Mare oy Johnny Boone, bred by Wel-- scamp, $800, APHA Sorrel 4 White more, granddaughter of Secretariat 4 Ichlbon, $800, Both In foal to black 4 white, ROM Ralnt, 682-5600 APPALOOSA Mare, roan, 15VjH, $700. Roping soddle, xlnt cond, $350.
Call 883-4936 ARABQnarter horse, 10 yr gelding, 14.2 well trained, oil purpose, sound 4 stocky. sow. can 44-IU4J. HORSES Unlimited 744-2434. AQHA Buckskin mare $2000.
lots or saoaies. lock, iroin (21 CUSTOM EaulDOl Lnalrs. Mahogany black vinyl JJWDom. LOtl 529-0363 (3) 16MM PROJECTORS $80ea firm 882-6209 Ive msg TAC, "13,500 BTU $175; 1-AC 10.500 -BTU $165; siae-by-side retngeroTor SI25. 790-6640 console attachments, 15 yrs oia, sou, mil v4-odub 1 SMALL WOODEN DESK, DRESSER, 2 UV RM CHAIRS, LAfVtt-3.
SI 30. J2-V3U 10 PC Berae Sectional Sofa. 1 Twin Waterbed, 1 Coffee i ante. uu. eeo-Yttt eves.
10" CRAFTSMAN table saw siou; mens io speea orbital buffer $35. 795-9629 15.7 CUFT Hotpoint Refrlg $250; 30" Dbl Oven, eiec Hotooint Range $350; 15.7 cu.ln. Ken- mora Retrig siao. 7Vv-o78i 1940's ntleue couch, oak scroll. 4 4 53 TOOL AUCTION WED SEPT 12, 9am SOUTHWEST 220 E.
Los Reales 889-4664 "Consignments Now Being Accepted" rerbian-'j Siamese, pom yr old, $50 obo 749-0788 Kersian-'i biamese, poth rv.i a nccn uiu mucin uvl trained, playful. Call 886-7632. bSy FREE Kittens, 8 weeks old, male, 2 female, 742-7423. FREE to good home only. 2'jyri old In-door cat, spayed, frontl claws decldwed, needs lots of rove oi ottention.
2Vv-y58 FREE KITTENS Coll 742-7423 HIMALAYAN kittens, CFA, all snuts, oeuipoints, I male, I female, very cute, $250 4 SJ3U. US) 00 I-03BO KITTENS, 3, $15 ea. Includes! spayneuter certificate 4 1st ShOTS, J2-J0U3 KITTENS CATS Purebred mixed breeds. At the Humane society ot i ucson adoption to a good home is easy 4 inexpensive. A $25 fee Includes spayneuter, 1st shots 4 1st vet check, a $200 value.
WE OFFER an on site spay iicuici limit, (ooi-uji, oner 1:30) and a law cost vocclna-tlon clinic with $5 shots every Sat. Call 327-6088 for Info or visit 3450 N. Kelvin Blvd. MANX KITTENS, 4 to choose from. Must sell! $25Or Best Offer.
Call 298-7331 ACA PERSIAN KITTENS 3M. IF, snuueu silver, im reg iw nuu. ion i-B2j-iye (latonno) PERSIANS 4 Hlmllayan 5, CFA, oeuutitui oreeoers fit pers s5- s4uv. oz i-ivoo iv message SCOTTISH Fold Kittens: adorable, roving, wks, weanea, shots, CFA Reg. 2m2f.
628-1397 SEVERAL CATSKITTENS We were victims of abuse, neglect, etc. 4 ore now looking for a home with somebody special to share our lives with. For more Info, please Ive msg for Poulo ot 790-2350 SIAMESE KITTENS (3) $75 EACH. CALL 748-1103 Birds 651 PAIR GOFFINS, $300. I-0U-0W3J-Z4 sanuarira SS hand fed Sun Conure, $350.
4 hand-fed pearly cocka- IICIS, S4V eu. IHTlVIl OFF all birds through kuwui uuy. reis Hnuy, 2172 Grant. 882-PETS BABY Peacocks, 2-3 weeks old. 4u igi eucn, or i tor J3.
884-9333 Breeder Thining Out Stock Cockatlels all colors Parakeets all colors Finches 5 different kinds Breeders 4 young. Call 744-0720. COCKATIELS: babies, juveniles 4 uuuns. s43-43. oreys, peas, whites.
Call 297-0597 COCKATIEL Close out, breeders oaoies, sz3 eacn, but cheaper by the dozen. Call Connie, 745-5252. COCKATIELS 30 left, Ad ages, SjtJCU, cue Call Connie $25ep, cheaper by the dozen. Z45-5252 COCKATIELS, perfectly feath- breeders, all ereo, young colors. 10 ar Vtt-Va, 885-9302 DOMESTIC hond raised, orange vmva v.i luvnu uiue trunt Amazon.
Now toklng deposits on these beautiful babies. 297-0891 GREYS, Macaws, Cockatoos, LorVS. rnntirpv Mnnv tnma talklngl 790-: MACAW-Catallna Hybrid, hdnd tea, tame o. talking, zya yrs, wcoge, $2000 OBO. 742-1436 Tropical Fish 652 AFRICAN Clchllds, C.
Frontosa l-ry, (3D), I3-S23. 49-3150 after 3pm or onytlme wknds. Medical Supplies 679.1 3 MOTOR Flectrlr hntnltnl Iwt. Vl BRITANNIA TRADING POST 1007 E. Freemont St (Which Is Hwy.
80 thru Tombstone) Tombstone, AZ Sat. Sept 8, 9am Partial listing onlyl Restaurant equipment: refrigerated solad bar, lighted display case, grocery 87 meat scales, coml dish washer, refrigerated 18 gal beer tap. Bar bells, wooden Indian 4 Ceramic Indian, all kinds of small kitchen appliances, Westminister chimes clock, pictures 4 paintings, compl license making 68 Ford Pickup FT00, electric licensed golf cart, 125 gal truck propane tank, 2-6x7 metal buildings, garage door opener welectrlc eye. Framed autographed picture of the Original Beatles, large selection of collectibles. Arrow heads, peace pipes, world collection of coins, president: spoon collection and much much more.
Hommond BC3 electric organ wLeslle speakers. Also a 3 bedroom house of excellent furniture, a very large assortment of stuffed toys, flgurlens, gloss ware 4 patio furniture. Sole conducted bv: A Team Auctioneers Auctioneer Mel Jackson For Info coll 384-3803 DIAL 573-4343 STARCITIZEN CLASSIFIED WESTERN SALES MANAGEMENT PUBLIC AUCTION FOR APS, US WEST CITY OF fil FNnAI AND PVT. CONTRACTORS 3MI, atritMBbK B-B AM 1616 S. 67th Avenue Phoenix, AZ CARS LIGHT.
TRUCKS 90 4- rnrc fhAuuc Cwrft Dxiges 4x4s, vans pickups! HEAVY TRUCKS I Ford F350 utility trucks, Chevy C50 C60 utility ChW (fump truck Ford F350 service truck, dle- teleDhpne (49KJ. International bobtail truck tractor. Amerl- vmii iu riunte Tire rrucK (wrecked). Ford step van. Ford box van, wCAT 3208.
2 Unhhc hwIk .11 J.w WUII HUllCtS. Hl-Tensel tandem axle equlp- nicni nuiier, oxo single axle office trailer, wAC. 5 8'xl6' single axle box trailers, 8'x2V single axle box trailer. 6'x8', 4'xf single axle utility trailers. uuuaviici.K tiutueu trailers.
4 16' tandem axle utility trailers. 12' tandem axle utility II UIIBI EQUIPMENT 3 International Hydro 84 trenchers, wbockhoe 4 front uiuue. vermeer M45 Tren Cher, wbockhoe 4 blade trhuulth DAA M4. saw 4 sweeper. Dltchwltch mJ! tiencner wtront blade.
CAT grader, CAT D4 crawler. John Deere 440 crawler-loader. Master walk-behind vibratory roller, Onan ucnciuiur, uyna i3k. generator, Yazoo 'riding mower Jacobsen reel mower. Gas- utility truck beds.
Powcdn 200 am vug weiaer. Lincoln 225 pv. iw uus nuub iveiuet. MOTORCYCLESCAMPERS 82 Kawasaki 550, Honda Gold vvmu, anusta tanuem axie Tra- c' unci v.uti(.ora wsllde-out room. Rouge 20 trl-hull boat wBuick VS.
2 8' overhead pickup campers. SHOP EQUIPCONST MISC. New truck parts, V6 4 V8 engines, battery chargers, volt uiiiu icsieis, storage rocks, desks 4 tables, guy wire, large spool of rope, gas tamps. (Snap-On Toolsj-fub-ng tool set, Fap 4 die set, dial Indicators, cooling system tes- ici, uusnmg ariver seT, STua remover set, gasket punch set, solder gun, 38" cordless drill, air grinders, Impacts 4 chisels, air scraper, combo wrenches, socket sets, drill Indexes, punch sets, dssort-ment of Impact sockets. Maklta cordless drill, freon spray gun set, GP 34" air Impact' i 1" Impact guns.
7" grinder. 2 Mac tool chests, chain link gates, fence, 4 posts, generators, C-clamps, grinders, electrical wire, 4 water towers, hydroullc locks 4 stands, lod-ders, 20-ton press, 20-ton portable crane, parts washer, Hltti fastener set, Porto-power, knock out punch set, transit, cement power finishers, air compressors, steel racking, pipe benders, table saws, floor stand drills. Inspection Mon-Frl, 8am 4pm TERMS $100 cash deposit, refundable, to obtain biader number. Final payment cash, cashier's check, ar certified funds. WESTERN SALES MGMT For Info 4 brochure, UHI l-TJO-JJW.
QUEENSIZE MAI IKboS DUAdrKinvj sou. 748-0824 QUEBKBE sofobed, Innersprlng mattress. Clean 4 comfortable. $125. Call 298-8015 QUEENSIZE waterbed, complete wheodboard, 6 drawers $200.
less man iyr oia 2V0-4BVB REFRIGERATOR frost-free, $250; King size waterbed, $35080. Call 797-1211 REFRIGERATOR GE 15 Cu.ft., good condition, $115. Call 744-6790 eveswknds. REFRIGERATOR Hotpoint, color brown, first $65 cosh; Office desk, first $35 takes 747-3650 REFRIGERATOR Clean, 18 cubic try avocooo, uooa Lonamon, $75, Coll 296-2564. ROLLER BLADES (In-line skates).
Model 608, Mens size 11. Like new. $110. 326-1168 S4W 686-4" stainless .357 revolver, perfect cond. $240; Vltamaster exercise bike welectronlc monitor $50; Craftsmon circular sow $45, in boxes, ctna fruuzo ln ooxes.
crotg 323-1169 saoer saw us, pom like new. pool ladder $75' Is. divlno bOTOl 50 327-8024 r- SCHWINN 12spd Mtn Bike, $100. Savaae 22 maa. 20 an.
ti70. Win 22 pump NR, $40. 624-2742 SCOOTER (Honda) good condition, $350 obo; washer 4 drver set. $150: Kenmnre dryer, elec, $140; Ford front oencn seat, $2u; 2 luxury bench seats, $50 ea; dining table w6 chairs, $50; tele scope, or sju, i at $15; hiking backpacks (2), $30 ea; (' camper shell, $100. Call 791-2187 wnn iiiutttess, ww.
A WHEELCHAIR. $85. Hosnltol. OAK Dressers 4 other antiques. I UELI 452 COLUMBUS BLVD PARTNERS DESK Xlnt cond, $300.
298-6723. R.C GORMAN Litho. "El BAH" ivbi issue, rramea-signea xim cond $1350OBO 575-8829 leave messoae If nec. RURAL America Antiques Co- Op. Dealer space 2750 N.
Counti available. N. Country Club, 326-0889 SEE "DESIGNER'S TREASURES 4 TRASH" TODAY IN CLASS 680. VIETNAM VETERAN Sculpture rrom tne rrankiin mint sewOBO. 529-2056 oner jpm WANTED Guardian Service cookware wmetai or gioss lids by serious collector.
LOII 3B-W4I. WANTED AUTOGRAPHS Buying autographed letters documents, photos 4 other unique signed Items In all areas. (Baseball, Presidents, military, octoractresses, literary 4 other noted celebrities). aenu pnoto copy or aesenp-tlon for evaluation to- E.T.J. Autographs, 8802 E.
Broad-way 320, Tucson, Az, 85710. WANTED OLD INDIAN ITEMS Purchasing Navalo rugs 4 hlnnkf frtrwj rnnM. tuwkate pottery, beadwork, Kachlnas, iewelry, artifacts. Michael D. Hlgalns 327-3115 Sewina Machines and Vacuums 670 1958 NSU 4 1959 Austrian scooters $500polr; Rokon Trall-broker $300.
Roy 882-7073 lances 673 1 LG very nice refrigerator wlcemaker, works great SOW, QUO. ION 003-SV3 1 MATCHING washer 4 dryer, xim cona SJ3U0P0. MUST sell. lull 003-y33 30 to 75 OFF Our Normal Terms TELES0UND RENTAL CLEARANCE SPECIAL Brand Name TV'S, VCR's WashersDryers, Furniture Rent To Own. Rental Returned Merchandise for as little as 4 months No Deposit Required No Obligation No Credit Required Supplies are Limited Call Now! SPEEDWAY 881-7800 VAIENUA 33-1153 MO old Sears side by side terrig, texturea Tronr wice- miner, pa sew; $33.
46-J82 ABC BuySell. Almond, white, cteun, newer working wasn- ers, aryers, retrigs 624-4199 ALMOND trl-level elec Caloric stove, smoked glass. Exlnt wnu. IOTU51 SBII. OO l'4YJ ALMOST NEW APPLIANCES acre inventory "sALb" Lan tor aiscounrs 88V-3Z37 APPLIANCES! APPLIANCES! wu5ners, uryers, uisn-washers.
Ranges, Freezers, Refrigerators. Largest selec tion in i ucson of qualify, clean, used, guar, applls. Free deliver APPLIANCES, 4T43 n. atone, BBZ-3J Applionces like new. Stacked upart vvasneruryenAimono), DeiT cleaning elec Range v.oii tor inro zve-owj.
G.E. DISHWASHER, bullHn, xlnt conamon. siuu. B0syz KENMORE Washer 4 Dryer, 1 yr. oia, eiec wnire, s4wootn.
fv3-Qiw "atacy KING-SIZE JC Penney mlcro- wuve oven, xmt conaition. SI3U0D0. LOII 2I-2UV6 MONTGOMERY Ward 26 cubic cnest freezer, 909 lb cdpo- cny, wwupu. O00-4JZJ. NEAR new Kenmore Washer U3u; 3ioe-oy-siae Retrig $200.
743-3508 or 327-7661. PANASONIC Convection Micro wave uven mvbv), boxes 4 zaps, S2UU OBU. Call 745-2840. REFRIGERATOR frost-free $195. sngi aaor 1 m.
uei. guar. Best wppu woo rt atone bbz-obz REFRIGERATOR frost-free, wnne, 1 cu ft, very gooi cond $125obo; Coll 797-8602 REFRIGERATOR IB Cubic ft rrost Tree top Treezer, HorvesT wiu, xint cona. SI3U, 4-I2IB SELF cleaning gas range $425, iioe reTrigerater $423. UOII OB-4WV WASHER $125; Dryer $99; Guar.
Leiv a. tsesr Appliance, 3060 N. Stone. 882-0827 WASHER, dryer, refrlg. $100ea 1 ut micro, 43.
uesx, SJ3. win traae. uan v4-eB3d Auctions 678 AUCTION TODAY ESTATE, ANTIQUE, COLLECTABLE INDIAN APTIPArtC Preview 12 Noon, Sole 1PM 3-OUf OT 3B6-Z83V oieeper, like new, IO, matching Sofa 4 Love Seat $175; 2 Recllners $50 eaj Ook Dinette Set $100; srrraB Touch swivel cnoir $J5; cottee Table $25: End TnhUc tf Dinette Set $50; 2 Dressers 33 eg Oil UOU. J23-VB34 MUST sell. Kenmore heavy out gas dryer, white.
$125 299-6877 after Horn MUST SELL1 Standard size bed, Ind frame 4 bedding, $200. can: 003-30v NINTENDO Game system w6: games, sou. ooys 14 Schwinn bike training whte, 1 vr old. $75. Lasonlc oartahle radio, dual cass recorder.
MCUC, WW, 3. 4 l-iOO captain's single bed $100, cherrvwood 4-poster bed with lingerie dresser $250, both in excenerrt cona. 21-W07 msg. OFFICE desk. Large metal 4 drawer, great shape formica top.
$40. Call 748-2538. SMALL Oxygen Bottle $50, Portable Oxygen Unit $135, Singer Sewing Mach wZIg dinger sewing Moch wZia Zoo 1 stitch Ul cm IM ORTHO Queen Sleeper Sofa. Ilki, new, lvr old, earthtone colors, $300 OBO. 886-3756 OVERSTUFFED couch son evap cooler: loSSannhZ eyap cooler, good con PAGER dlgltot, $75.
Refrlg, $150. Antique table, $75. Lg cooler w220motor, $150. 81-fold door, $10polr. Trailer axle 4 11,3, JV.
11 VOU iOrVSJj PANASOMC stereo set 4 speak- ers enterralnmn rn, Word's sewing machj $70. Con 887-8144. DRAPES FULL LENGTH rods COB Q03-Va. PE.CN table, 5 caned choirs 27. Sm.
server $125. China Klnfl Barm $325! Wo'SJT bed, $115. Smdll Oxygen Bottle $50, Portable Oxygen Bottle Unit $135, 883-2322 $400; wheelchair, $200. All vDv. V.UII 4Y- I 1 4U ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR ,.1 Brown velveteen, like neW7 jw uuu.
-uii jLi-oyo MOBIE electric three-wheeler, new uuuery, cnurger, Take apart, storage 5 yrs, used 4 mos. $1,000. Coll 887-1340 ana Registered 647 wulp Hyoria pups, WWKC ft V.3 females, w. ail 0B3-9II4 WOLF Hybrids: fluffy UKC cubv VERY wolfy. 790-2293 must see.
uini uvnoinc CkAni a. wiuviv lull, 4mos. all snots s3ea LOII 57B-1078 WOLF HYBRID TIIRt Dog Training 648 ANIMAL ASSISTANCE ooeaience classes Deo in ept 12 at 9 A.M. at REID PARK eoch class about 1 hour each for 12 weeks. You win oe amazea as to now mannerly your pooch will Decome.
can Animal assiS' tance, non profit 326-0986. CACTUS CANINE CENTER Beginner dog obedience class Mon. Sept. 10th at Southwest corner Reld Park Wed. Sept.
12th (1-10 4 Rufhrouff) at 2555 W. Zinnia $3510 weeks Reg. Tom. 1st class WITHOUT DOGS 744-9555 SONORAN Desert Dog Assoc. Beginners dog obedience class storting nee sept 3, lu S30.
SV. corner Reld Pnrk Registration 6:30 p.m. followed oy ist ciass at p.m. witnoutj dogs. Beginning open class storting Sept.
12, 7-8! p.m. (registration wim aoa 6:30 pm. Info 744-2852749-238 649 SHAR-PEI V4 Chow mix pup pies, io weeKi 2 females, 1 muie, iiwudu. jfyj-uajj. 1MO.
Old female Rottweiler, gentle, loving, good disposition, to good nome only, $200, itu lmjvci invjtt. i i wxi nils; IIMIC VUIIC IIU1IICU Scpmpie Is jut wolfing for on wuei wutm tu seuup ner up In their arms and tdke her home. She Is only 3 yrs, spayed Lhasa, housebroken and oh so loving. Call Animal AssJance, non profit. AUSSIES, Sheps, Retrievers, Huskies, Terriers, many more S25-S65 PUPPY SALE! Incls: shots-vet exam-health guar IHtKUrTYKLAU: all puppies from local families Just North of 22nd Street 1106 S.
Wllmot 747-2711 BUSTER BROWN Is mv nnm actuaily I am a little girl, but I kind of like the name Buster I'm a Boxer mix about 3 mos hove my voces 4 when I am old enough I will be spayed too. I love to play 4 hove fun. Won't you give me a home? Call Animal Assistance, non CHIHUAHUA 4 mo old purebred muie, uiucn tan, gooa wchlldren, $150. Call 887l-8940 CHOW Basenil Mix. 4mn preteraDiy to nome wsmoll children, 748-0915 COMPANION Dog, classic gentle coon nound, 10 months old, neutered, all shots, $50 to approvea nome.
J2-JU3, you have a couple of loving. vui iiiy mus inui nave Deen lust begging for a dog? Well, we iusf may have the perfect pal for them Beanie Is the sweetest l'j yr 35 lb Helm 57 spayed fern variety she is loving, housebroken and has been waiting ever so long for a home. Call Animal Assis- Tance, non prom, 326-0986 EXCEPTIONAL Pure German snepnerg i yr oia Trained, must go to annri hnm rnil after Sept 3rd, ask for Done i-oiu-owayflj. FREE l'j yr old Airedale, 5 yr old Fox Terrier, to good home, someone to take uqm, j-vvjb. FREE 2 medium size dogs, mole at icmuic, spuyeu neuterea, all shots, wormed, licensed, to uMf uvcu Homes.
004-0030 FREE to good homes. 1 female iroioen Ketriver yrs old 4 1 femole, small black mix, 1 yr old. Both spayed 4 have shots. v-uii vo-33v4 oner opm IGERMAN Shepherd pups pure utcu, motner on premises, OBO. Coll 884-7355.
GERMAN Shepherds, Ig puppies 3-wxs, left, parents on premises, s3ea BBQ-3U0I GERMAN Short-hair mix pup- 744-7737. GREAT PYRENEES male, neu- "7 ea, to appravea nome on $150. 298-9763 Iv msg LABRADORS 9 wks old, 2 black maies, tirst snors, parents on premises, so ea 42-O920 LHASA APSO puppies for sale siweacn. rarems on prem-Ises. Call 889-0054 MOVING8-month cockapoo.
oiacRnouseTratnea. siooor pest otter. y-z3oU mastlff-chow F. 8 mo, all snyis, aog nse, tamny aog. AAi.e, CIG-tAtl i.iuji jvii.
YR old German short nairea pointer neia work $150. junuut Itu; loll 03- IU2 BULL nrent mnrfa. soog oiooaiines, 3 m6 t. $100ea Call 885-0578 POODLES 4 block females, 9 wcivs, uicui kias, no papers. $60ea 292-9042.
POODLES, 2 females, 1 male, $150, parti-color 4 UU A. block. Call 623- i-vo PUGS: 2-Purebred females, 6mos uiu swea or sjsu ror pair. wwi ui ict 3pitl CULVERTS 2 never used 12" diameter 1-20' 1-18' $175both Call 791-7715 CUTTING Torch, hose, regulator, $100; Water high pressure cleaner, $150; if- 440 motor, $200; 70- 383 motor, $150; Broswell carb, $175. 297-2937.
DACHSHUND mini 2 yrs blacktan sweet $1501 wpapers siuuwo 622-3180 DARK blue florol couch $275; 2 light green swivel rockers' 3ea; ivtiTsuoisni oak 23 console TV wremote $275: lodles 19" 10 spd bike wcom-puter $300; Wards Ig capacity almond washerdryer $300; 4J-W03 DESIGNERS Contemporary sofa $175 OBO. EvesWknds 881-5735' DESK Pendaflex siuruyei WJJ" TypeM side tobfe, $90. 571-1760 DINETTE set, 4 podded swivel chairs, 42" round table with 18" leof 4 chrome legs $225. Alwe-ground swimming pool, 15x30x4 has new filter, deck, needs liner. $295.
Swing set $28. Call 72M063 I WSHWASHER. General Electric 7'l680yr- DISPLAY Pegboara 8 pieces hooks; $457 smoH belt rock $5, -V ucn iuuv siu, van 001-1010 DRAFTING Table, $35; Podded bar, $35; 4 235-R15 tVes. $40: Loveseatlounge, $54; 12 fOTeel TEAC, $50; Mlnl-refrlg, $75: RCA color TV, $75 Weight benchweights, $50. si'iny guitar, sxr; Keei- 298-6295 DRAFTING Toble, 5x2Vj, hardware some supplies, great cond, $150 OBO.
795-T473 DRESSER, antique, double bevel tltring mirror, wood on wood overlay 4 Inlay, 4 drawers, brass pulls, orlg costers, $350; ture uimoges cnincs goto Trim, blue band, 85 pes, $350; 2 large antique pitchers, white stoneware, $60 ea; antlaue choir, rosewood, velvet seat, repaired. $35; coffee service 1920, art nouveau, 4pcs, elec urn, perfect, $90; sloe choir, dork oak, ccne-oock. upholstered seat, Hke new, $55; sloe choir, oak, upholstered seat, classic bock, like new, $45; ww rnocnine, smon por--aoie, noomc, $150. DRYER, elec Frkjldotre, al por-ceioin white, no outside vent ne-eoea, exmt cona $93. 06-946 pi t-t-rsir rruM- ut.
lun.h $45; Microwave oven $65; 'Sk itevy nooo I I 44-JU-rv EMERALD sr em reolner $100; muicnina -mai loaies cnotr $50; cranberry round rattan char $25. ai xmt cona Can eveswknd 577-6010 END Wood oruy nice Btock 4 Decker Drill, $25; Black 4 Decker I 20 G.E. fl AC GE IBM 642 BEEP carves (2), opprox. 4 mo. CORNFEO LAMBS (17) ANO GUA13 (13).
1LB. T-826-343i OSTRICHES C-BAR-C RANCH 1-527-1337 RfGliteAeb Polled Hereford JUPFOLKHomp Cross 4-H Lambs 1007 Hamp ewe 12. BarbadosSuffolk Ewe WEANER PlGS; IV) SiS-SM. C08 1-602-384-4729 jvrtHngsnweeRenas Trailers 643 72 RUSTLER Livestock Supplies and Services 644 CATTLE Hay. $3.
Horse Hay, up. Delivery available. nwisun raiiSj l-JVB-qipo. ROPING Sept 3, Ellis Arena 4 sraoies. oarrei race lis, 1 riP jv.
$40. roolno 3 for Open 4 for wu. Books open 1 o'ctock. run barrel at 1:30. 1692 W.
Sunklst 797-3138 TUCSON Horseshoelm la School. Custom corrective hot, snoeti classes start Stables Boarding 645 Paddock full $110mo. AQHA Fillies for irnii or troax. 42-VSCU. BONAN7A TAR1 64 Training Lessons, Eno It western.
Full-core boarding, starting at $200mo. 14x24 ft pox srans, rons in summer lights In winter. Arena walker, direct access to river. uoron an is our specialty versatility our trodemark. Houston Borboro 795-4050 Ci RANCHES under new management.
Lit arenas, hot walker, lumps, wash racks 4 nice trolls. Barn stallscovered Metis trom si 19. rmesT in eaulne care. Call 575-9326 FULLSELF tare, arena, walker tro ind oen. trolls barn.
Poo-P itables. Call 743-0895 or 883-14 HALF PRICE SPECIAL for new umraers, sign up nowi tos de. Rlncon stables, new management. 296-4339 HORSES boarded $110 full care. suu core.
nw. m-3138 Ellis ArenaSables 1692 Sunklst DoosAKC ana Registered 647 ADORABLE Mixed 4 AKC Pups. H(. wbviivii ui ruppy rats. on selecl Lwqjlty cross breds 200 W.
GRANT RD 622255 AFGHAN HOUND. Beautiful female, 3 vrs. red wblark mask, great femperment $250 to responsipie nome V-ZV 14 AIREDALE needs homel Owner! died. Sweet, healthy 10-yr male, neutered. Free 299-9740 wknds.
Wkdoys 6-7 am4-6 pml AKC Alaskan Molamute male, 2 yeuis, sweet, wait gray at wmte. SI3U OOO. BB-U4 ALASKAN Malamute, gorgeous llmo Fern, home burned. Pd sow, socntice saw. 2yj-y60 AMERICAN Eskimo, 5 wks, (8), UKC, 1st shots, 150.
om-twm, rts. eves. BASSET hound, AKC adoring 2 year mate companion, SI5U udv. V.UII iyy 14 J. BLOODHOUND AKC red mnl.
vrs, nver a ton temaie iyr. Exlnt trailing prospects. $500 ea 298-8288 BOSTON TERRIERS. 7 wks, 1st snots, 2-Maies, 3-Femoles $350i Of up. 44-IPOJ BOSTON Terrier, 8mo, Illness rorces saiei ah snors, cnamp.
uteu, MWUDU, 18. BOSTON TERRIERS, 3 1 M. Keaay aept iu. rick nowi sjuea i.aii stm-jijb. BRITTANY Soanlels.
1 mal. orangewhite, 1st shots, born 4, io. sj eg Y-434J BULL TERRIERS, Spud McKenzle look-alike 3 other 9 wk puppies, SOUlrsoW. 1-449-3478 CHIHUAHUA pups, AKC, 5 5 super, paper trained, choice or colors, jj-uooe. CHIHUAHUA Rare blue male, 8 wks oia.
oDsoiureiy aaorobie. S4W. umi i3-wv CHOW CHOW, AKC, red male, 7 mo. nas outstanaing peoigree. WouKl make a ar stud dog or show.
$400. 578-0494 CHOW Chow pups. 2 black. 3 rea mother on premises. 4 i r.
sjw. tail iv-BJlB. CHOW CHOWS, AKCreglsterea (3) quality puppies, champion bloodlines. Responsible homes sojweocn. loll nyvaA CHOW PUPPIES ADORABLE CALL COCKERS 1 black male, 1 buff muie, snots, cnampion DIOOO- iine, s3 ea iqii 4o-j I2J COCKERS, males, 2 black 4 white, champion sire, 4 mos, I jV CU.
1 iv iv nuns gteut, lots of power, Good cond. OA usmA SJJV. JX 44-JOJ. 8000 BTU windnw nlr rnnrit. tloner.
Excellent condition. SOU. UM ZW-VI 19 uwn, snivel seuis, xlnt sits in back of picnup, I JO, UJ 2V6-U6 condition. $225. Call 293-6102 otter jpm AKCOfvDfTlONER 5 Ton, rooftop packoge unit.
220 volts. Good cona. SJWUBU. 48-ZZ39. ALUM FASOA, wht, cedar wood emoossea am, on king, ttn, 8ln $95rf.
298-017i AMSTRAD ComputerWord Pro-1 siuirewuie SBT vice for 4, $15; queen i full-size bed lirwnc wmntrhlM r-nmtnrtmr 111 eu, junvu microwave, $50; portable itnemiici, ijj. weaaing wcm, site 1 1, sw. -s04 ANSWERING Machine. Pano sonic Autologlc, voice speaker phone, black, 6 moSi ru IAU sen SIVU. A6-V25U AREA rug, 5x8, $60; stereo large! wood console, Packard Bell, sou; exercise nike S4U; Tram- UUlllW MH Xltlt.
4ytl2 ARMY tern: urge sided w8' sides, set upwyou con see It. $225. Call ozj-vsu, aonuarito IDUECnil 1 irn. rim vw, Slav; UMuiJuH In. I gmfmtv ocdc 4 white TV, $75; Rowing mochlne $35; ner, $75; All OBO.
298-6567, wn nigssuuc ATARI 130XE Computer, Ind disk drive, printer, nrn- gromsgomes $150 749-1355 AVOCADO stove 4 refrlg. $50eo or $80 for both; camper shell $50; rear truck bumper $25; Eoeferock manifold 4 4 barrel as-tt far tmni Mopor $100; 1974 Dodge truck grw $25. 578-9021 BABY Items for salel 2 high chairs 2 car seats $20 ea cm nomottress $40; oomi (isi ea snrrs (15) lie ea 797-9450 anytime BABY monitor $15; century car seat Basset hound papers oognouse $50; looy K) speed bike $50; uprigftT piano i iw. 44- rP4 BAR Stools, (21 $75eo; Patio set. $20 Coffee end table easy croir eo; stee oeskchalr $150t ehorcool grill $50; Sears microwave $75; Lazy-Boy choir $75; 749-11! 158 ELL.
Cost Iron, weighs 200ts. at WUTTWTW, lAAi J-45e BICYCLE Rock components' IS; Score tire forts. $10: Lpno trovs. $'i 2 Short troys. so.
ue re-zvvB Big horn type sheep, rom 4 ewe $250 pr; WorJiTkngus vwtt rrraii oarn S'V, Mne totJI50 tones at; KES 24- Vtn B. UhrvL pooq coTtg NDI OXYGEN MORGAN Gelding, loyr old, nanus, vvesterntngiisn, very smooth, $1100. Call 743-3307 MR RUIZ your bay mar 4 colt will be sold tor teed Ilea 701 veto on 914 578-1408 power steering, 15.1 Plnto- Arao, tost. 12 'ast. 12 aentlA.
spunky. $700 OBO. 6J3-4231 miii rrv t. Bi 'Wvr'Mi 'W uuy. sail, ItUUO.
3ue Luwrmw. cstODllsnea JU years. Coll 325-4059 eves. QUARTERHORSE 7 yrs Old, cut- uiuuuiines. must sen quick REGISTEREO Miniature horses.
Til MB. scietnun, sues, ages. Mini tack and carts. VH Mini- wonft WIIICOX. 364-2620.
SALES lessons, engllsh 4 SUPERB hunter prospect, 16H grey gelding, 5 yrs, started over fences. Quarter horse thoroughbred. $2500. 327-2583 Arabians 638 lt-YEAR-old registered gelding, trained; very sound, 1800. Coll 294-3546 12 yr old yr old more.
Very nice horse. 44-Q40O 2 Reg. Colts, chestnut 1366, 1 puy sjuv, exquisite Blood TfnL Call 4 YEAR old Chestnut mare, shown In Western pleasure. Easy going temperament vji cut uuy or 33WU. 44-V334.
ARABIAN mare, 7-year-ol gray VMT. cuypnan, I4J lso. -3 v-ji i-to-t 134 evenings. CUTE, lovable, 3 yr old chest nut colt. Perfect tor 4H prolect 1 jee ntmi CAbl informal Holiday Showing of trallrldlno horses.
13455 E. Speedway 298-9400 filly Bosk and Comet preed- ft Years, 14.1 grey, SHOW TENTIAL. Make offer. 7728 FLASHY Block. sWS 795-3048 after IMAGINE their oy when you ms iiiviii putieiuin wnire Arablon mare for x-mos.
A MOVING SPECIAL ArabV4 Arab weanlings, yearling stud colt, fantastic lrot 1.YT gelding AM urea, sjju-siaiu 000 575-8013 REG. oektlng, 12 years old, 15H, loieas 9528 "UtSC. seouo horse. JJIflJ? ARABIAN MARE, 11 YEARS OLD. $700.
1 6ig JL.L ALL 290-8375 Quarter Horses 639 10 YR Sorrel Geldlni AQHA, usea ror Coll 883' used for roping, $1 after 4pm 81 AQHA Dapple grey brood mare, by Nevodd Gray Cat. SJU. mil I-4J0-IWB APHA yearling Palomino Filly. Dlsposl-tlon, $900 OBO, 742-3864 AQHA 4-year mare, well, started, 14.2 hands, sire Jodo- inu uocmiss nco oars, $1200000. 883-5691 kQHA Bay I West.Tral Sktlna.
15 vrs. Fna 0 real orn. 4nrkv. fivv "cstern onow oaaaie, 13 4W, uxi 32-4B36 jack inui a r- oreeaing, yr 2 yr olds, wspeed 4 purity. for roping borre $900 EachOBa 1-682-4481 Marana CLASSY, athletic nalnmlrvi mnr.
KW. IOV EG 6 yr gelding, super 4H show ho horse, has lots iw. riyriu. Thoroughbreds 640 REG. 6 yr gelding, EnglishWest ern, gooa Trail horse, $1100 obo 883-5248 keep trying Horse Suoolies and Services 641 CHIEF 4 4 HORSE TRAII PR law rirm See at InaOld Father.
624-5558 CUSTOM BARNS INC 749-BARN (2276) Affordable horse housing. Barns, metal buildings, arenas, stall mats, pipe corrals. snuocs 01 tty spray systems. DELUXE stalls with full care, $150mo, country cottoge $450 mo. utlls Ind.
Tonque verde-Monument east area 885-7597 HAY $4-J7bole Delivery available. v.uii I 602-822-2131. Stock Horse of Arizona OPEN HORSE SHOW 4-H, YOUTH $3 OPEN, NOVICE $5 Stokes classes Sept. 1, 9 am. C-6 Ranches, 9015 N.
Camino de Anza. Information, 744-0270 or 297-9401. Livestock 642 100 GOATS 4 SHEEP Pets, Weedeaters, Butcher S25-S100. nawser uaisy I-B2J-I4U ORSES: 4 yr old bay mare wtock, $900 OBO; 1 yr old gdlnt more mustang, $400 BO. GOATS: Alpine dairy breed, 7 does, take all or part, prices nego; 1 buck, $35; some wpapers.
iuii iv msg 3-PC llvlna room set. earthtones. country style, good condition, $175. 350 Chevy 4-bolt main with heads, I manifold, car- pureTor, siuoooo. yg- ieo 4 TIRES: $80011.
Call 325-4308. 36x14.50x16.5 Tires on 8 lug white spoke wheels. $250; 4 10x15, 8 kja white spoke wheels $75. 747-7959 BOXES of glazed ceramic tile, 1 box covers 26 sq ft $75per box, 60 yds of drapery material $140, Coll 624-8491 PC Dinette set, 48" round table, swivel chairs, good cond, $150. COD 885-3829.
MOVING Boxes, $20. Sewing machine wcobinet, $65. Twin bed, $40. Twin box spring frame, $25. Lownmower, $90.
1 uikcs, eu. vemco drafter, $75. High choir, $10. 410 shotgun, $70 544-2119 58 CHEVY Blscavne. Parts or whole, $350.
Sofa-bed, $25; 2 choirv $15 ea 297-1527 6 CABteETSWaa Units, with ooors, wnire, nun, 24" wide, 16" deep. $125 each. 2VB-2V49 fes. deliver all 6. JVC RK200 receiver, $80.
Barton SL30 bow, like new, $50. 1-384-3243 04 ruimwin VHunni, 4 ai, uwu uvuv, nu oetits, runs 66 CHRYSLER wagon, looks i runs gooa, new eng parTs $350, 71 Toyoro Corona, good body, Interior 4 tires, needs engine reouiir $150, 51-iBov 67 FASTBACK VW complete iuu. 4 wms, ttres, caps trom '86 Ford pa $90. 743-0395 4FT DAVENPORT SLEEPER. soumwesTern r-wa panem, xint condition $350.
Call 2VV-6V04 for orHwnTmenT. 70 VW BUG No engine, win part out. $150! OOO. COM 4-W40 72 PLYMOUTH RUNS GOOD.i $250. GE WA5HER DRYER JJ25PK.
LALL 4-5IJI 72 VW type 411 engine needsl worn, poay oecenj, 2 new tires. J150. con 791-7715. 74 Dodge Von: 318, AT, AC runs greart neeas too. jju nrm.
00-4J wvxana 75 OLDS 98, runs! $jh) ur eest oner. TOYOTA COROLLA, almost new iowcc engine, 43v'ooo or port our. 790-1949 iv msg 77 FORD Courier. Needs some wotx. wuns 000a sxj; xHr un ww.
rsu; far art 79 BUCK LeSabre, 4 door, wth Tracx ihocx or neoo gower, very good cond, ftke new rtt, must seei Good for mechonic I PC GOLD SECTIONAL $250. BROWN CHAJK A OTTOMAN UO. LMAS xa. GAL fist- ton wsondT occess. sears wHn drsft-washer, Vi.
75 Monte Carta, good ooaV, needs eng. otxi. i-e v-es-j 1 it, Lorokna uscu iv inus i ivu. i neraayne deluxe wheelchair $175; Oxy- gen bottle valve dolly $75. All In tint rnll inn, -to PACE Saver Plus 3-wheel cart? cictuiw aua ooTTenes cnar" K- Ser $950.
Folding walker $40? Inco folding wheelchair $80, All vln4 fnnft Holiday Inn, 4550 S. Palo Verde AMERICAN WEST PRIDE electric llft-recllner chair, no tuiun Tweea TooriCi Iff WALKER $35; quod cane $25f WE buy wheelchairs access- VJIUIII rU. OII PBO IUUU, Home Furnishings 680; Turn Good Used Furniture, Antiques 4 Appliances into WE BUY AND SELL! SAVE MONEY! Furniture Exchange 323-0005 TEEN Tfundlebed seTTln TeoKf" wiTh bookcase. Good condl-tlon. $150.
Call 323-1208 TRAILER 6'X4' $160. Call 297-6413. TRS 80 Tandy color computet UPRIGHT Frlgldalre freezer xlnt cond. $200. Call 577-1353 SELL ANYTHING UNDER $350.00 IEVAPORATIVE cooler for RV oi VIVTAGE 6-Drawer Maple Desk.
$250. Singer Sewing Machine' THROUGH SEPTEMBER 14 I Car sent, never ikpiI. $30; Chllds Rocking horse, never used, pd $60; sell for $30: (37 DCS 1 Chlldrens clothes, sizes to 18mo. Most never usea, 2ea; BeouTirui snow suit, lomo. siu; uook- bUX, MWU IUI IIIMUS IUUIII, $10; Air Conditioner, xlnt condl usea 4mo.
S3u. zye-wio (8) 10 Button Business Phone, IY! vsTem. tn xsii. s.i 323-4191 leave message JEEP Parts, 5 running gear pieces $200 ea Mlsc TOOLS: Bearing press $275, 225 amp welder $150, work bench top SJV, IUI IUU 3 I W. 0OQ-43UU KELVMATOR 17 cu refrlg, $150.
G.E. Drop-In Elec Stove, $150. Kenmore built-in dishwasher. siw. mii ime new.
V3-3404 KENMORE Hl-Lo gas range, oilotless lanitlon. almnnrt. standard size $250. 297-6484, icuve nicssuue aunooy only. KENMORE washer 4 dryer gooal cond harvest gold $2Mboth.
must sen, ooo-ooyo. KING size seml-waveiessl waterbed mattress, xlnt cond $50. Full size mattress, good KkNG waterbed frame, bookcase headboard w6 drawer under dresser, $85; Sony data VCR ubm. 333. nr I OT.
large wood rocker, $125; Upright freezer, $275; 885-5434" KINGSIZE SPRING Al MATTRESS WITH BOXSPRING $75. 883-2351 KINGSIZE Waterbed, 6 under- drawers, podded raits, book- case heodboard, dark wood, 33. Ctl'iLIL ay, KIRBY vac wdttdchments, S75nhn: Mn' Flirih.lm Imperial wlng-tlp shoes 9' like new LARGE desk $100; 2 lamps suea; reox oookcase S2iw; small dresser $100. 791-9057 LARGE Metal desk, 30" 6 drawers. Strong! with padded choir on rollers.
$95. 722-8690. "Wf "Sf. 5- iv n. long, cxceiienr conor tlon.
HSU. 294-1075. oven almond, elect, clean 4 nice. $125 obo. 298-7077 I MARCY Home Gym $125.
Tubular BUMPER, $50. 3" mt; kit, 333. Kre-runner krt, $75. FOR THIS SPECIAL AUCTION. 1H 4C1 OAK 1 $350 obo; mini blinds for aou- wtopie siw.
VI-V3JO VfOLIN European, fine cond! $145; Acoustic guitar, aood for ucwiwiersTuoent SZ3. oayuoiy VIOLIN. Full size. New strings. nic cuse mciuues access-: UllCS.
313. COII 4V-VIQI. WASHER $125, dryer $100. frost-free refrigerator $200, TV $80. 573-1967 WASHER WATERBED Klna, 6-drawers, 4-poster, beautiful! $195; Typewriter, J3.
uau. 2VB-U440 WATERBED Queen, darkwood. uruwer, oookcase neoa-boord, $195; Kenmore WasherDryer HQ, $300both, Xlnt cond. All OBO. 887-2081 WATERBED, king size, complete $130; Playpen $15; golf cart wsear pog sou, on 1-628.
WATERBED, oueen honey pine, mirrored headboard, 6 drawers, everything Included, $200. Call 578-2686 WEDDING gown, 9-10, Ivory zi. satin, pearl beods, lore troin, $150. Pram rirett. 39- BtCES, 2 girls lOsods.
$50 ea-- 8ft. door' 7S ran BLACK lacquered entertainment riL. tn wnt oesK $90; 16-drawer desk 1 rrtt-l tan rocker $35; Klna waterbeal sis. ueaenzo szdu. 2VJ-9263 BRASS white heart full size bed BUNDY Alto Saxophone, $175; Mens Schwinn bike, $35; wysscy uutne, S3U.
0ZZ-Z040 AllMnV Ir.mh... Ilk. $175; Dishes (8 place) $40; il upnuisterea rooxers s4upom; learner-Top eno racues $35pr; lUUVn, VAWCIICUI, 40's rattan: 2 chairsend tablecoffee tablemagazine rockfootstool 4 36" Moroccan topestry all $300; 3 chest or orawers, sousu50; book- I EMMU1, IU.I S4J, pictures $10 ea Coffee table $45; L-shqped sofa 14' $200; 2 lamps $15 each, 6' alass als- pioy case su. Lai V5-64I6 BUNK Beds side rolls for top excellent condition. VUW CAMPER shell, Chevy ungbea, cabinets curtains, spoce for ueo, si3.
50J-ivj rv. msg. CAMPER shell, shortbed $125; 4U liW Ullin TiUMf 111 OBO. Good cond. 888-9340 CANOPY Bed $50; Cockatlel, 3 Pairs $30; 3 Ig cooes $30 ea; Rocking Choir $20; Typewriter $65; Peugeot Bicycle $115; 2 suitcases $25 ea; 2 vacuums iu ve" roiatng table $40; 2 end tables $15 ea; elec blanket $15; humidifier $50; air pot $10; Cornmodore Data Set $20; 2 wallets (never used) $10 ea; 30 paperback books Joe Tire choins $15; teens girts clothing all Items xlnt to good cond.
722-1648 CAPTAH Bed, 6 drawers $125; Child's Wood 4 Melamlne Desk 4 Choir $35; 20" Girls nnx pixe zvy-U2V9 CAPTAsVS Bed 4 mattress; Iron bed, twin $75eo; 2 custom to $75, med $50. lak top carrier, Sean, krge, Hke new, $50. Dining set 57 15 Finches, $8 inches, $5. Porokeets, q.v. uvm S3, J-401 CENTURION 12 speed $125; Peu- got 10 speed Schwinn Varsltv 10 sneeri tVn swn, Wspeed' ocoustlc monitor speakers king mattress $90; 2 refrigs $75ea; Mijste oea siuu.
40-JJ9 Cmckeh 15 Rhode island Reds. rps.iEr jCisVDREN-S Play house. 5'xr, al COJPtTE 88I Toyota truck freezer ui Con 2o-6o70V COMPLETE MAPLE BUNK dcus; gooa cooouion, $150 COMPUTER older Apple IE, 2 ivrs, menoenrome. printer, $350080. 67H561.
smaii Trailer, porTQDie. 130000. LOII 622- 183V. FARBERWARE convection turbo oven wextra rack, used once $150; 20" Sony Trinitron color stereo remote TV $350; Lo Roll Paramount health equipment commercial model 3615, $200 obo. Weed Eater model 960 gas blower vacuum, like new siw.
1.011 34340 1 FERRETT $75, whtahalr $95, VW naergiass cop siy3, king bed SV3, coior 1 s3, 003-wou FLUTE Artley, silver plated, $125 Tech, amoerine Knytnm ech, $15. 578-0070. FREE (2 dogs) 1 Golden r-etrerverMireaaie mix, 1 man Shepherd. Call 883-6450. FREE 1Vj year old spayed temaie ooioen loo.
ah shots 6V Tags. 74I-088U. FREE 1 yr old blk Lab mix. mow, neurereo, wsnors. wood WklOS.
LOII V3-6I23 FREE lOmo ok) female (spayed) u-etniun oni-pneru TO approved nome. coll 797-0323 FREE Lab mix, 11 mos, house rrainea, spayea, piayrui. smart, nurryi ooi-owo FREEZER 15.5 cu ft, ui it. white. $100 Arm.
Call 24-8535 FRENCH door, woodmetal "xmj -in never usea $45. 745-1680 FRENCH Prov. Fun head boards night stand. White 4 Gold, xmt cona, 303, COB 3J-II 14.7' Refrlgerotor; G.E 30' Elec Ronoe. both oold.
work Ing fine, $100 ea; Brocade La-2-Boy Recllner $50. 790-5554 FREEZER, 23.6 CUFT. Nfj! rr-crji, szvu. vo-4030 D.l.,...l.k black front, paid $500, sell! sears oesr gas Daroequ 2 burners, tank, $85. 887-2081 Refrigerator, 18 cu ft, olmond, frostfree $300.
Very uuuu IAHIUIIIUII, Y3-UT. GLASS TOP TABLE w4 choirs $225; black sofa 4 ioveseat $325; exec oak desk wswivel choir $350; brass bed wnew mattress $325; Ig block lornp $50; klngslze mattress 4 boxsprlng. like new $150; Toshiba VCR $175; brassglass coffee table $85; brassglass I IIK-, ST3. OQ3-4WQ GOLD 4 beige brocode coucrTf $250; matchina aotd chat- $50; 3 dark wood dining choirs $15 ea. top quo! 4 COnO, 885-0912 MDEABED couch, oueen, eorth- -one strtpe, si3.
29- U8 HOTFOINT gas dryer, white $150; Bunk bed set $90. Bam xim cona 885-33J6, Actlonwrlter Electric! ivpewriier, J225; pouion! deluxe 12in. chain saw. Scott J2ln. lawn fertilizer soreoder.
$25. Funk 4 sVm- nons Encvctopedios science) veoruooRs mru ivbv, sew Smger Touch 4 Sew Sewing rrJ. WCUBATORS: 1 aoose $90. 21 cracxen sv ea 1 oroooers so ea. 1 metol nesting box, coj, sjv.
a-1 izj $20. Both exlnt cond. 747-9581. Die poors or siiaing aoor, 37x83 inches. $65 or $35 ea.
1950's fjKeefe 8, Mernrt uouoiel dvct oen rmw. crDm tno griddle, $300 OBO, 325-8918 rvjwnc iu, uuuy uniy, good shape. $250. Call 1970 SHORT Bed (only) tor Fleet- sioe, srfuu uou. i roller tires wneeis, io ea 744-292 19" SHARP TV wremote like new areat picture J225OBO toit jeorge 4v- non 2 Double drapery rods 16' $25,1 24' $50," silk flower tree msnqing pasxet wa.
jjj-jvu 2 Germon Shepherd pups. 8 wks, nn cui cu, i JV eu Jiumpjon nne. ooyuju joe 2 TON FLOOR JACK $3 2-'jhp 3450rpm motors $38 ea. Coll 6140- 2 twin maTTresses $25eoch OBO. Twin frame $25 LOS 881-8626.
1 CAPTAIN Bur Beds wmotch-ing Dressers $2O0; Blue Velvet Choir ottoman $100; 2 End CDteS" SJ3. 44-303 1 GAS. Ranges, 30" almond, $75 ea. Camel holr carpet urjgrrjdeg pooding. $150.
571-7237 1 SKY Kennels, extra large. $50 Revne Water Softner, Kxe new, pa sou. lax ooors, Salomon SX91, mens Size "3, I0ie new, sev. 44-4jjy. 1 STUOIO couches, suitable for twei aeas $50 ea Good cond SECTIONAL SOto, (10 pel, $275.
3utu tauie, sjv. comTortaoie recllner, $30. 797-0244 SEWING Mochlnecablnet, $125; dwivet rocxer, oeige veiour $75; glider rocker, $150; stereo ruuio5peoKers, s3. rti-vi rn SEWING Machine 12 stitch did PENTAX ME Super, with lens- outton noie, atTaenmenTs, raoie, xim SIV30P0 zye-oajy sivu; uiympu! Cad 298-6001 ifcronisi uuaiiry bench, bar, dumbbells, curl bar, over 300 lUST. 343V.
VZ-3JU. WHEELS 4 Chrome Modular truck rims, 15x7- 6 hole firs Chevy or Toyota, $100. oa-6925 WHITE wrought-iron krveseat, 2 cnairs, raoie, rocking choir, $165. 298-3896 WINDOWS Dbl or single glass, some tinted, 20 4 ea 14- 15'x3" ratters, $4.50 ea, Co 887-5841 WOODEN INSTRUMENTAL TAMBOURA $175 OR BEST vrrcn. uiu.
imt I YORK Stereo, xlnt condl with CO, dual tope deck, radio, RC speoKers. I w. 33-0255 ZENITH Solid State 24" color TV, dark wood consoles. remote control. Good condition.
$150 cr W-WO0 SIAMESE kittens: Lilac 4 Seat- POMERAMAN AKC black male, 4' mos. wonoerrul wchllder, points, 3 males, 1 female, $80. 744-6569 SDEDRAFT evop, exlnt cona reel cSf I Mtch siw. rotTooie evop, s3. sears elec arver, exlnt cond.
$75. ooorowom Kearry, 44-V64, vcjy sinuii. sngts aeTem. 34W. Jt 34-W44 Jv SINGER SERGEMATE 4 threod serger sewing mocnine.
Like new. $225. Col 574-1932 SkNGLE AXLE CAR TRAILER-' QUEEN Ortho Su needs nmshina no mte. $250. Cat 8897108 ipreme wiwiui mat it ess.
DO3aring $150; Westlhahouse dlsh- wusner s3. -e. 2-PrFE or loader rocks to fit SINGLE Bed, headboard. SnM tTUCkS, 5IJ3 4i $ll. 8S'-464 anytime.
mattress, boxsprings, xlnl cona. $100. 577-0161. QUEEN size bed, mattress, 22 CUBIC foot retrig, almond, $330r evop cooler for travel tracer, etectric moror, 1U5; SKIS 2 or mens skis binaries. only" $.
$2 Co. orKsl uiD.ur rt. v.f uiiwv electronic touch contrpL 2yrs oia uceor conai iw. 3-V349. MICROWAVES (6) chofc- ooora 6'x3Vi' $20, IBM PC con-i poet printer S4U.
4e-naj6 MOTORIZED treadmill S150: Morcy universal weight bench 3 '3V, eiec range sou. M4-IV3 MOVftMG Sole. Livlno rm wi $350. Dinette set, $75. Queen) Dorm set, SJ73.
kustk ormque desk. $100. Exercise bke. $35. 3 CTT43S.
SU-S4U. I MOVING Sole, metal kitchen! coDmets, sjo; uermon Shrunk, $'00; BerkHner Recllners 50 both: fuumi tUnH choirs, $125; Sleeper sofa $75i nn IUU4E S3W. spring, rrome, ooora jyy; Dresser $89; 2 orbs $49eo: i complete crH $59; 19" GE color TV $99; rf" Sharp coior 19" Sears color TV $99; 13-1 Pauso coke- TV $79; wrree tapwe sv. tar i040 20 Rossignoi SM, Tyroiia 360, Salomon 727 bmjngs $50 pr. CaH SOFA it DINETTE SET: $50 4 $35.
COS 296-1206. 6.soa cooler, 1 year oa microwove. $100. 744-4942 color corse TV $75; VHS Beto VCR VSt IS Beta toces $3 ea 293-2592 lOUFFN WntvhMl mmnl.l. kyi SOFAsleeper 4 Ioveseat, lyear 2SPD Trooewfnas Cooler, 6500, dcn craft, used 1 season, $250.
les-o'M heodboard, 6 drawers $100; Queen Waterbea, heodboard, 6 drowers, hearer, ener. no liwjtugss 33. gig, imi nx nr cwor I I yr okt $75. Co 290-8555 SOFABED Xlnt qua), comfort- IETHAN ALLEN pine couch $200; QUEENSIZE Waterbed w12 1 ROOMS 0 CARPTHNG, earth-ttv-s $'5C. Doutskt bed sofa Co 37J-00 '8 topic vtu; larr-p su.
a 000. Co 721-1653 aote, srynsn, SJ50 Tirm. MAUVE louvers for 12ft tou-vered bUnos $45ot 326-8535 wuwn pvvn 'ui, torrtp'ete. excellent cona $171 297-982.